Boost your income and improve your financial health with steady capital solutions.
The company focuses on the needs of the contemporary investor with a strong emphasis on promoting their service through social media. Their team has years of experience in the investment industry and is able to provide an extensive range of services for their clients.
They claim to offer a variety of options for investors, including a “booster deal.” These deals are offers that pay a percentage of the amount of money you earn in a given month from your gig work. Steady Capital Solutions claims they can help you “boost your income, improve your financial health, and get rewarded for doing it.” They require full read access to your bank account via Plaid (the same system used by Robinhood, Mint, and Venmo) and present you with a dashboard view of all your different earning sources.
The website also contains testimonies of happy customers that are often made up of paid actors or random pictures on the internet. These testimonials make you believe that the company is legit, but how this platform will actually lower your risk is never explained. In addition, the company’s owners are anonymous and you cannot contact them for any reason if you lose your investment fund. This makes steady capital solutions reviews a dangerous platform that you should avoid at all costs. If you want to invest in a profitable firm, you should venture with reputable companies that disclose all the details about their platforms and how they operate.