With real-time utility monitoring, you can track any device or point in your facility and get detailed power consumption reports. You can monitor the usage of HVAC, water tanks, Borewell, etc. in terms of Maximum, Average and Minimum power consumption on a day/hour basis. You can also view the trend of power consumption over months, years or days.

Unlike interval data, which is only reported back to the building once every 24-hours, real-time tracking gives you instant feedback on your energy use and can help you make data driven decisions to reduce costs and carbon footprint. With this information, energy managers can proactively measure spikes in consumption, evaluate peak hours, identify irregularities, optimize operational scheduling, and track and verify energy saving targets and goals more accurately than with just interval meter data alone.

Real-time monitoring also helps Utilities keep the grid balanced, reducing energy losses and improving overall grid reliability. By identifying congestion points and redistributing load across the system, Utilities can minimize energy waste and optimize energy distribution. This can also help them participate in demand response programs, manage renewable integration into the grid, and make better decisions on how to invest their energy resources.

Additionally, real-time monitoring of every access attempt to a machine or physical asset thwarts break-ins and theft, allowing utilities to quickly notify administrators of potential threats to their infrastructure and facilities. Utilities can also use predictive analytics to see trends and identify potential failures, ensuring that equipment is running properly to prevent downtime and to extend the lifespan of expensive assets. real-time utility monitoring

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