We’ve all had a drink or two too many and grabbed an Uber, but it is illegal to drive while impaired. You could cause an accident and hurt someone else or yourself. A DWI conviction will impact your driver’s license and could result in years of jail time and a fine. Especially if you’re a commercial driver you should know the consequences and the law.

A person can be charged with a dwi louisiana if their blood alcohol content is over 0.08%. While this is not a direct indicator of impairment it does provide a strong presumption that the driver is drunk driving. This is why Law Enforcement uses field sobriety tests, such as the physical agility test and a breathalyzer to determine if you are impaired.

If you are pulled over and suspected of DWI in Louisiana it is very important to hire a skilled attorney right away. A well-trained and experienced DWI lawyer will ensure that all evidence presented against you will be carefully reviewed by the judge.

In Louisiana the penalty for a first offense DWI is six months in parish jail. However, a judge can suspend this time and place the convicted defendant on probation for one to two years. The law also states that 48 hours of this sentence cannot be suspended unless the defendant does 32 hours of community service, half of which must be litter abatement. Prior DWI convictions will also affect your penalties.

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