Buying a designer bag doesn’t have to break the bank. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-end bags on sale for under a grand, including some from the one and only Michael Kors. Whether you’re looking to score yourself a chic new bag or treat a fashionista on your gift list, you’ll be sure to find something on your wish list at thredUP. Shop handbags and purses from top brands like Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci and Fendi, all at discount prices, and get free shipping on every order with no minimum.

The MK bag on sale that wowed you

To help you score your own bling bling, here are the best deals to be had this Black Friday. The first tier includes designer purses, bags and totes from luxury designers such as Chanel, Burberry and Louis Vuitton. The second tier features popular fashion brands including Kate Spade, Marc Jacobs and Diesel. The third tier includes cult labels such as Michael Kors, Bottega Veneta and Alexander McQueen. The fourth tier includes the latest and greatest fashion finds from lesser known e-tailers such as Moda Operandi and Zara.

Buying a designer bag doesn’t have to break the bank. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-end bags on sale for under a grand, including some from the one and only Michael Kors. Whether you’re looking to score yourself a chic new bag or treat a fashionista on your gift list, you’ll be sure to find something on your wish list at thredUP. Shop handbags and purses from top brands like Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci and Fendi, all at discount prices, and get free shipping on every order with no minimum.

The MK bag on sale that wowed you

To help you score your own bling bling, here are the best deals to be had this Black Friday. The first tier includes designer purses, bags and totes from luxury designers such as Chanel, Burberry and Louis Vuitton. The second tier features popular fashion brands including Kate Spade, Marc Jacobs and Diesel. The third tier includes cult labels such as Michael Kors, Bottega Veneta and Alexander McQueen. The fourth tier includes the latest and greatest fashion finds from lesser known e-tailers such as Moda Operandi and Zara. MK bag on sale

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