There is nothing quite like the smell and feel of high-quality leather that has been properly worked, stained, and created into a designer handbag. The leather is made to last for years and simply gets better with time, which cheap or bonded leather cannot compare to. There are some designer handbags that are made of leather that stand out from the crowd and are classic, owning such as bag makes you feel savvy and classy. Obviously, there are several leather designer handbags but some stand out due to the fact that they can be used more often than others, plus the design makes an impact.


The MICHAEL Kors line has many leather handbags that are fashionable and affordable for designer bags. Many of these designs work well for everyday use, such as the Tote. It is made of python print leather, features double handles, top zipper, and the interior has zippered pockets, a place for your cell phone and keys. It is the perfect companion to take to work, shopping, and for any other casual occasion. You can find the handbags at finer department stores.


COACH handbag is always a favorite because they make such as wide variety in scrumptious leather that wears a long time and looks better as it ages. The COACH shoulder leather bag is a favorite with many women because it is casual enough for everyday use, but can accent a very dressy look, especially if you buy the black leather because it will go with any outfit. The Madison Shoulder handbag offers drop handles, multifunction pockets inside and sleek like only COACH can bring you, it is quickly becoming a favorite for many women.

Ralph Lauren

When speaking of designer leather handbags, Ralph Lauren is sure to come to mind especially with some of the latest designs such as the Governor’s Lodge Crossbody in stylish black leather. It has plenty of outside pockets and is a sporty bag that would make the perfect match with a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans. This is one handbag that is sure to get a lot of daily use because it works well for every day attire and offers a nice large shoulder strap.

Dooney & Bourke

One of the most famous Dooney & Bourke handbags that never go out of style is the Croco handbag; it is made of thick leather and has a crocodile design with special cuts into the leather. It comes in the brown leather and therefore, can match just about any outfit from jeans to designer dresses, and everything in between. It’s a classic that is sure to please just about any woman because the handbags are just the right size, to hold everything you could possible need for an outing.

When it comes to leather designer handbags, it is not easy task trying to design on the one that perfect for you. Many designers make very elegant and stylish leather handbags, so narrowing it down is often difficult. Think about your lifestyle and your budget when heading out to find your perfect bag. MK shoulder bag

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