Are you an antique lamp collector — or would you like to be? Just looking for that special piece for your home or office? Whatever your needs and interests, we have all the facts you need, not sales promotions! Honest information, simply presented.

Torchiere floor lamps provide an easy and effective way to supply soft, but effective room lighting that bounces off the ceiling to illuminate a space. Floor torchiere lamps provide a beautiful way to light a room when overhead light is lacking, or simply when indirect lighting is preferable.

They are a great choice for dorm rooms, offices, and rental apartments where one is not permitted to install overhead lights. Some modern torchiere lamps even add direct lighting with a swing arm light fixture attached to the vertical pole. One can coordinate table lamps or pendant lighting fixtures to a torchiere lamp to harmonize the look of a room. An antique torchiere lamp can be coordinated to reproduction pieces to give an antique feel to a space.

Antique torchiere lamps make a real impression in most any room and may be more affordable than one would expect. Many, many antique torchiere lamps were produced, because when they were most popular (in the early days of indoor electrical wiring), most homes did not have overhead wiring.

These versatile lamps have been so popular for so long, which means that it is fairly easy to find an antique torchiere lamp in antique stores, or even at yard or garage sales. Many people have an antique torchiere lamp in their homes and not realize it. The different styles, types, and designs of torchiere lamps are practically endless and may include constructions of copper, stainless, or lead.

Standard features will include a main post that is five to six feet tall, with an inverted bowl at the top to reflect the light upward. These glass or metal reflector bowls are most important, since they reflect the indirect light to the ceiling. Many times, the bowls are very decorative, especially those seen in an antique torchiere lamp. Most are made of glass or metal, but in some fancier styles of lamp, mica, stained glass, and other materials can be found.

The lamp pole can also be fancy. Most modern lamps are constructed of plain poles, but antique torchiere lamps are often found with a pole that is carved or otherwise adorned. Some of the most beautiful and valuable torchiere lamps were produced by the Stiffel Company (which has been in business since 1932) and are readily available in antique shops today. touch lamps bedside

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